Alexandra Writers Centre Society
ONLINE Writing The Seasons
Tuesdays10am-12pm June 8, 2021 (4 weeks)
Our life patterns journey around in cycles and spirals. The season’s rhythms summer, fall, winter, and spring provide inspiration for self-reflection, to celebrate personal insights, enhance our creativity, claim our unique wisdom and unlock our muse. This will enrich our lives, nourish and develop our courage as writers.
This is an interactive online class using the Zoom web platform.
Manage Your Workplace Emotions
You can't change conflict and opposing points of view in the workplace. You can, however, change the way you react. Become more emotionally aware, harness your emotions and express them positively with control, confidence and composure.
Friday 7th May 1.00pm -4.00pm

Conflict Resolution for the Workplace
Successful conflict resolvers are not born; they are trained. Build your skills as an effective conflict resolver and mediator. Learn to recognize conflict patterns and what triggers and escalates conflict in others, master strategies that reduce conflict escalation, assert yourself confidently and give constructive feedback. These skills will help you work more productively and harmoniously with clients, colleagues and superiors. See Course Outline.
Instructor: Wilma Rubens - see Instructor Profile

Fridays 4th 11th June 2021 9.00 - 4.00pm

Entangled Enchantments

Entangled Enchantments
My very first collection of poetry. These poems celebrate my journey on the uncharted waters of the feminine. For your very own copy purchase at Cafe Books, Canmore, or Pages in Kensington, Calgary or contact

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Backcountry ski trip to Peyto Hut on Sunday 28th March

South and North Rhonda rise above the Peyto Glacier. The only time in two days that they were visible.

After a fast icy ski down from the car park to the Lake it was time to put on skins.

The route up to the hut took us up that knife edge moraine and onto the shoulder. On the shoulder we were battered by the wind and frequently had to knee down to avoid being blown back to the lake or worse. The visiblity had totally socked in by the time we reached the glacier.

Lunch in the trees before we were hammered by the wind and blowing snow

One of our objectives Mount Baker but not this weekend.

Another party on the glacier below the hut.

Sucker hole?

Horizontal snowflakes at the hut. Honestly this looks quite pleasant but believe me the wind shrieked around the hut most of our stay there. The hut was full with 16 others. The weather had not improved by Monday so we decided to retreat to the cars. After crossing the lake in a complete white out, we found lots of fresh POWDER on the Icefields Parkway. Oh well better safe than sorry as my old mother always said!

Spectacular Saturday at Canada Olympic Park

Alexander Bilodeau, Canada's first Olympic Gold medalist on home soil focuses at the start of the Aerial National Finals at COP. I was so close I could have touched him. Where was security?

Skier Cross heats with Daniel Poleschuk in the lead. What a roller coaster!

Canadian Nationals

The Alberta Atheletes win the provincial Dual Slalom at COP on Saturday 27th March

Britt Janek, Shona Rubens and Emily Brydon dress up for the final Slalom of Emily's distinguished career.

Canadian Team Coaches did I hear someone say "The wall of judgement?"

Spectacular spectators with mellow cow bells

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring is Sprung in the Rockies

I know it is only mid March and the new leaves won't appear until early May. Yet the days are long and warm. The snow is melting. I saw a dipper as Clive and I walked along the ice in Cougar Creek. I heard the songs of chickadees, robins, felt the cool breeze on my cheeks and curl through my hair, smelt the pine sap and saw three deer sitting in the forest contentedly chewing away. There was a sprinkling of snow falling from the heavens like confetti at my feet and back lit white bulbous clouds soared over Haling Peak.

Spring a time for new beginnings, fresh starts and renewal. This is my favorite time of year in the Rockies. I have started re-visioning my memoir. I hope that my high expectations and judgements have been replaced with a more nurturing attitude of patience and love that will encourage the fresh shoots to grow, multiply, and flower into a work of art.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Land of the Silver Birch

Clive and I drove over ice plastered roads on our way to Lilooet on Saturday. The plan was to join up with 5 other intrepid souls, helicopter into a small lodge called Eldorado. Past Lake Louise we were the first car to be stopped by Highway Control. The engine off we sat wondering what was up. The taciturn man in a fluorescent yellow vest,clutched a radio in his right hand answered our question with one word. "Avalanche," tersely followed by "The road is closed for 5 hours." His buddy had placed a detour sign in front of us. Reluctantly we turned around headed back along the slick roads to Castle Junction and down to Radium. Half way down highway 93 the ice turned to dirty slush. Every car that roared passed sprayed us with the odd rock and shower of brown melted snow. In the Petrocanada station at Radium, some snowmobilers told us it was a 6 truck pile up somewhere near Field that had closed the road.

The road was dry after Radium as we headed north to Golden. I strained to see the Bugaboos and the mountains around Spillmacheen. Only tantalizing glimpses of snow laden tops hung between the clearing storm clouds. Around Rogers Pass my neck strained back to absorb the beauty of the sparkling knife edge ridges and high piercing summits. Driving through the forest I hummed the song I had learned long ago as a girl guide in Scotland. "Land of the silver birch, home of the beaver,blue lake and rocky shore silent and still...."

The drive stretched on for ever. The sky darkened as we drove wild gorges from Lilooet to Gold Bridge. This vast landscape felt Himalayan and desolate. The road hung precariously on the side of the disintegrating hillside, with long drops to the churning river. I don't want to sound racist but I remembered those old Western movies and wondered if there were Indians at the top of the cliffs rolling rocks down on unsuspecting cars. I was relieved to reach the warmth of the Morrow Cabin and our cheery group.

"The Heli guide has just been here. He said today was the worst avalanche conditions he has seen in all his 15 years of guiding. He almost refuses to fly us into the hut. He doesn't want us to die. The conditions are treacherous." Bruce told us.
"There has been a huge avalanche at Revelstoke, maybe 105 buried. We don't know how many people of died but it sounded really big. It happened at a Snowmobile competition." Mark chimed in. I sat down, my body tingling with the stress of the long journey and slowly let the news sink in. In a way I was relieved the decision was cut and dry but then I wondered why we couldn't have made it before this long 12 hour drive.

Sunday we retraced our steps back to Canmore comforted by my little motto, "Live to ski another day!"

Friday, March 12, 2010

On the move again.

I'm off again. Back down the road through British Columbia to Lilooet, then north. The final destination is a mountain hut called Eldorado. We fly in Sunday morning. OK think positively. The Avalanche forecast is looking challenging. Clive and I are off with 5 other intrepid skiers from the Alpine Club so I doubt they will sit in the hut and look at the slopes. Marg Rees is a super competent skier so I am sure we will make safe decisions.

So now I have to pack the food and my gear. Never a very pleasant task. No internet or yoga lounge or coffee's with the gals for a whole week. I will appreciate them all the more when I return hopefully refreshed, rejuvenated and with some great photos.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My interview on Parks Radio

When you have a few moments listen to this!!!! Me on radio!! How exciting!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In and around Whistler during the Olympics

Our warrior princess and two time Olympian Shona Rubens

Clive and I being spectator's not a role we are too comfortable in. Still we are proud parents that's for sure.

Start list for the slalom run of the super-combined. The top thirty of the downhill run are reversed so the first woman in the downhill starts 30th in the Slalom

Go Finland!

Go Japan!
The award for the best spectator hat!

Smoking area

Beautiful British Columbia

Whistler Bank

Soochi here we come!

Future Olympians or just for the fun of it?

Men on cross country track.


It has been a pattern of mine when life gets tough to slink into a bookstore and find something inspirational to read.

I remember such a time in Sydney Australia about 22 years ago. I had left my two little kids at the brand new Occasional Child-care Centre for my weekly 3 hours of me time. The rosy cheeked director Maggie Currie hugged me and said, "You're precious!" No one had ever called me that in my entire life. Me precious? Me as a mother was precious? It was difficult for me to get my head around that. This was Scottish Maggie's great gift to all us young mothers.

I had been conflicted about my worth. Should I go back to work or stay home with my children? After 20 years of feminism it felt somehow wrong to even want to be a stay-at-home mother. Women had fought long and hard, I had worked hard in my profession as a Science teacher and what was where I expected my status to come from as a woman not from being a stay at home mother. And what about the financial aspect. Didn't we need two incomes to live in our sophisticated world?

I found myself in the Crowsnest bookstore opposite the metal sculpture of a Crowsnest in the little square of the municipal buildings. My eyes roamed the crowded shelves. It was the book "You can heal your life" by Louise Hay that jumped off the shelve demanding to be purchased. I loved the rainbow heart on the white cover. I wasn't quite sure why my life needed healed. It was her words at the beginning of each chapter that caught my attention, "Deep at the centre you my being is an infinite supply of love....."

Thankfully that book revolutionised my life.

Olympic Giant Slalom - now history!

Shona is 22nd in the first run. Then the second run is delayed, and delayed and finally delayed until the next day!!!! It was raining on all the spectators and the atheletes. Shona came in 28th and cracked the top 30 - a major achievement. Go Shona Go!

This GS race had participants from 47 countries.

Go Austria!

Go Slovenia

Our intrepid family - grateful for our Olympic experience
Go Canada Go!
You can catch up with Chris's exploits on his blog

Olympic Biatholon

And they are off.

Roseanna Crawford

Change over

International Spectators

Busting guts for Olympic glory.

Happy Russian - their team won.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

And now for a different spectator experience - cross country sprints men and women

Canadian spirit in an umbrella

Ane the medusa's which country so they represent?

Nothing much to do for the police but to enjoy the music

Oh the joy of sliding on the snow.

Aria, Sara Renner's daughter contemplates the kids luge run.

The Norwegians showing their true colours.

The swedish viking spectators.

Daria Gaiozova, Sarah Renner's sprint partner. In team sprint, two athletes from each competing nation alternate skiing the 1.4-kilometre course, three times each. They came in 7th.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Super Combined - Shona finished 12th, top Canadian

Spectators at the downhill run of the super combined

Lindsay Vonn goes out on the slalom run

Shona poses with some fans

Shona being interviewed on CTV in Whistler Village